Unit - 1
Patriotism ( देशभक्ति )
Important words meaning
Patriotism = देशभक्ति
Unfortunately = दुर्भाग्य से
Creating a racket = शोर
Countrymen = देशवासी
Sacrifice = बलिदान
Battlefield = युध्दभूमि
Martyr = शहीद
Dusty = धूल भरा हुआ
Trundle = धीरे धीरे आगे बढ़ना
Dialect = बोली
Platform = चबूतरा
Adamant = अपनी बात पर अडिग रहना
Debt = कर्ज
Epidemic = महामारी
Grim = अप्रिय
Mention = बताना
Rush = दौड़कर जाना
Barely = मुश्किल से
Torturing = प्रताड़ित करना
Bear = सहना
Suffer = परेशानी सहना
Comfort = आराम
Entire = पूरा
Cremation = अंत्येष्टि
Homage = श्रद्धांजलि
Inaugurate = उद्घाटन करना
In front of = के सामने
Essence = सार
Hefty = बहुत ज्यादा रूपये
Answer briefly the following questions:
Q. 1. What is patriotism ?
Answer :- Patriotism means not only to sacrifice for the country but also to show the love for the country in small ways also.
Q. 2. Why is the National Anthem not played in the cinema halls these days ?
Answer :- The National Anthem is not played in the cinema halls these days because later it was found that the people used to leave the hall midway, laughing, shouting and creating a racket.
Ans. 3. Why did Nanaji take Ajit and Naina to Himapet ?
Answer :- Nanaji took Ajit and Naina to Himapet because he wanted to show them the ex- ample of patriotism there.
Q. 4. Why did Akash decide to settle down in India ? What does it show about his character ?
Answer :- Akash decided to settle down in India because he wanted to serve the Indian people by his profession. It shows that Akash had love for his country and countrymen.
Q.5. How did the villagers express their gratitude to the service provided by Akash ?
Answer :- The villagers collected the donations for building a small hospital in the village, and after completion of it they invited Akash's parents in the opening ceremony, and Akash's father inaugurated the hospital.
Q 6. What difference do you notice between Akash and his friends ?
Answer :- Akash was a true countryman but his friends were selfish.
Q. 7. If you were in Akash's position what would have you done ?
Answer :- If I had been in Akash's position I would also have done like him.