Swami is Expelled From School , Class-10th , Unit - 4 , Reading - A

Swami is Expelled From School

( स्वामी को स्कूल से निष्कासित कर दिया है ) 

Important Words meaning

  1. Slightly = धीरे से

  2. Flushed face = क्रोधित चेहरा

  3. Ominous look = अशुभ नजारा

  4. Survey = निरिक्षण करना

  5. Ashamed of = शर्मिंदा

  6. Honour = सम्मान

  7. Humiliated = अपमानित

  8. Eminence = श्रेष्ठता

  9. Explanation = स्पष्टीकरण

  10. One by one = एक - एक करके

  11. Loafer = अवारा

  12. Flog = कोड़े मारना

  13. illiterate = अशिक्षित

  14. Perspiration = पसीना

  15. Suspension = निष्कासन

  16. Helplessly = असहाय

  17. Resolutely = दृढ़ता से

  18. Intently = इरादे से

  19. Intolerable = असहनीय

  20. Impulse = भावना

  21. Distress = निराश

  22. Surprise = चकित होना

  23. Sharply = तीव्रता से

  24. Stammer = हकलाना

  25. Foolishly = मूर्खो जैसा

  26. Unconsciously = अचेत 

  27. Escape = भाग निकलना

  28. Rush out = तेजी से बाहर निकलना

  29. Muttering = बड़बड़ाना

  30. Restrained = संयम 

  31. Deserve = लायक

  32. Pause = रुकना

  33. Ascertain = निश्चित करना

  34. Possibly = संभवतः

  35. Cane = छड़ी

  36. Discreet = सचेत

  37. Grunt = गुर्राना 

  38. Spot = जगह

  39. Massage = मलना 

  40. Thrash = पिटाई करना

  41. Pane = कांच की खिड़की

  42. Rascal = बदमाश

  43. Zest = जोश

  44. Suspense = रहस्य

  45. Incapable = अक्षम

  46. Deaf = बहरा

  47. Tearful eyes = आंसू भरा आंखें

  48. Stare = घूर कर देखना

  49. Defiant = बचाव करने वाला

  50. Pore = रोम - रोम

1.(A) Tick ( right ) the correct alternative. 

1. The day before the punishment was given by the Headmaster, Swaminathan: 

(i) was not present in the school 

(ii) broke the panes of the ventilation 

(iii) left the school after lunch hour 

(iv) had a fight with friends. 

Ans:- (ii) broke the panes of the ventilation

2. "Swaminathan was deaf to a question that the Headmaster was putting to him."This means that: 

(i) Swaminathan was not paying attention

(ii) Swaminathan did not have an answer

(iii) Swaminathan could not hear properly

(iv)The Headmaster's question was not clear to Swaminathan. 

Ans:- (i) Swami nathan was not paying attention

3. "I don't care for your dirty school." Swami nathan muttered these words because: 

(i) the school was untidy 

(ii) he loved to stay at home 

(iii) he was humiliated by the headmaster

(iv) he had found a better school for himself.

Ans:- (iii) he was humiliated by the headmaster

(B) Answer the following questions. 

1. What was the mood of the Headmaster when he entered the class? 

Ans. The Headmaster was slightly flushed and had a hard ominous look when he entered the class. 

2. How did Swaminathan react to the questions put by the Headmaster ? 

Ans. Swaminathan told that he could not come to school and kept staring to the headmaster. 

3. Why was the peon called ? What did he tell  about  Swaminathan ? 

Ans. The Headmaster wanted to know about Swaminathan so he called the peon who could tell about him. He told that he had seen Swaminathan beaking the window panes. 

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